Three things to get me going in the morning !

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These are the three things that keep me going in the morning.

Number ONE

The number one thing to KICK off the morning is always a fresh up of Coffee. Oh! Yes there is nothing more yummy than the smell of coffee coming from my Stovetop. My partner bought this for me for one  Christmas and Oh! what a treat. It's very simple to use, fill up with water and freshly ground bang on the stove and in a few minutes that fresh coffee aroma fills the kitchen.

This gives me some time to wake up me dog "Molly" and that brings me to number TWO

Number TWO 

Me & Molly go for a walk. Molly is my loyal little friend. She is a Stafford-shire Bull -Terrier cross French-Bulldog. She does not like to get up in the morning as she loves to cuddle and sleep but once she is awake she has loads of energy. 

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I take 30 minutes to clear my head with some fresh air. There is an amazing park across the road from where I live. This gives me some time to focus on the day ahead and to spend some time having fun with my dog.


Number THREE

MUSIC makes my world turn. I need music in my day to keep the buzz. SPOTIFY hits the spot, you can build you library of music on this great platform. Yes you have to PAY to have this but I have my library of music anywhere I go on all my devices. There is also a free version which does have adverts, well worth investigating.

MUSIC brings the POSITIVE beat to my life.

IT’S ON. Time to make the MAGIC happen